New Enrollment

Open only to Licensed Well Drillers and Plumbers in the US and Canada.

This program is designed to reward Professional Installers and Contractors who are loyal to the AMTROL brand. Professional Installers and Contractors are defined as a participating company who is a licensed and/or registered installer, well driller, plumber or contractor. The company owner, or designee, of the participating company may submit and redeem rewards points. Distributors and their employees are not eligible to participate. AMTROL employees are not eligible to participate. For any questions about the program, please call 401-535-1236 or email

Email: *
Retype Email: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Company Name: *
Address1 / In Care Of: *
City: *
State Code: *
Zip: *
Enter numbers only. example: 9012485367
Password: *
Retype Password: *
Primary Well-X-Trol Distributor Name / City / State or Province: *
License Number: 
* Marks Required Fields.